VANCOUVER STARTUP WEEKEND 2015 // Vancouver, Canada
COLLABORATION // Willyan Geraldo, Graphic Designer // Lucas Pereira Da Cunha, Manager // Jessie Chen, Data Visualizer // Andy Chou // Jobin, Backend Developer
ROLE // We took the idea about helping uncreative men finding good date ideas and turned it into a viable concept. We went out to verify if this was a real problem. We refined the concept. Created paper prototypes. I went out and tested this with real people. We refined the concept for the last time. Willyan created the mockup based on detailed paper prototypes I made. I generated content and fixed details while Willyan took small breaks.
PROJECT OBJECTIVE // Who doesn't appreciate a romantic gesture from their loved one? We wanted to make it easier to share good ideas and get inspired. When it comes down to it, people rarely care about the origin of a romantic gesture. They care about the fact that the other person took the time and energy to surprise and make them happy.
CONCEPT // Wow It would be a mobile idea bank platform. It have 2 main types of users. The content providers, people with creativity to come up with romantic gesture/date ideas and share it. & the unromantic user, who wants to surprise and please their partner but just doesn't know how. Monetization would happen through pre-arranged dates or special dates.